Friday, February 5, 2010

well it was bound to happen eventually!! Hunter got his first set of stitches. We were out at grandmas and he caught the corner of the grandfather clock and had to get three stitches. Luckily his aunt Heather was around she came out and stitched him up right at the house and saved us an ER visit. Hunter is doing good now, it seemed like it didn't even phase him Typical Boy!!

1 comment:

  1. Lynds,
    Hey it's Stef "Ball" Collins, I stumbled across your blog, your little family is ADORABLE! Hunter and London are such cuties! I wouldn't expect anything less from you and ol' Dewight though! Sounds like things are going good for you guys- I would LOVE to keep in touch with ya through the blogging world! I live in South Dakota- hah, bizzare right, never thought I'd be here, but It's going on 2 and half years here now! Actually we live in a tri-state area, our house is in South Dakota, our Toyota dealership is in Iowa (about 10 minutes away) and the Nebraska boarder is only about 5 minutes from our house. Still bizarre that I live in the mid-west though right? Anyway, blogging is like my only outlet to keep in touch with my fam. I've got 2 kiddos now, just like you. (both girls, Maggie & Marlee, 26 months and 10 months) my blog is on a "private" setting though, so if you want to view it, just e-mail me at and I'll you back an invite- and we can be blogging buddies! Hope all is well, it was really great to see adorable little family. Hope to hear from ya soon!
    xoxo Stef
