Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Snow Bunnies

We had our first snow of the year on Monday and the kids were so excited. Hunter woke up and as soon as he realized it was snowing he got really excited and yelled "its Christmastime!" The whole rest of the day he pleaded and begged to go outside and play in the snow. After naptime, I finally gave in bundled them both up and sent them outside. It was hilarious watching them play in the snow! Hunter spent most of the time trying to teach London how to make snow angels, even though she wanted nothing to do with it! I had a blast watching my kids find the simplest joy in 1" of snow and I'm so excited to have many more days of making snow angels, building forts, and drinking yummy hot chocolate afterwards.


  1. too cute!! we did the exact same thing here!!

  2. crazy that you have snow!!! Cutest snow angels I've ever seen!
    AND. . . I love the Halloween pictures!

  3. sooooo adoreable....
